

AYO!! How about that new stream huh?? If you clicked on this guess what, spoilers in caption too!! I kinda like how techno is how dream was to Tommy if you think about it. Dream was all,"you're stuck w me let's be bffs <3" while tommy was freaking out and now technoblade is all like,"YOOO!! ROOMMATES!!" While dream is freaking out. Tbh? Well deserved. Also f quackity if this was actually set up and not another plot twist of sam decided to just because. Everybody wanted quackity technoblade team up. By everybody I mean me f
Characters: dreamwastaken and technoblade from dsmp aka dream smp. I wrote out dream fully so it shows up in search lmao


3 years ago   97 浏览量   20 框架   1 喜欢



Also I am talking about the CHARACTERS. I do not mean f quackity the content creator, I mean f character quackity.

3 years ago   回复

Like,, seen the new vod or seen dsmp at all?? Because techno's vods are pretty short and you can pretty much skip almost all of the check in part so you should def check it out sometime! I kinda want to watch philza's POV because he left phil his will.

3 years ago   回复

Also yet ANOTHER reupload even slower so hopefully it's readable

3 years ago   回复

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