🌷 • Sunday,June 13th.
•Today I went to church and took care of the kids, it was good.
•We had to go to Seattle which was was a long way. 😪
•I played "A street cats tale" on my moms phone it was fun :)
What "A Street cats tale" is about: (You can skip this explanation part if you want.)
Basically its about a little kitty with its mom and she got ran over by a car, and some humans took her away to help her and the kitty is left alone. It has to survive for 11 days until it becomes an adult. There are 11 endings. You can become friends with cats and humans, some people say this game is sad because of the endings and it kinda is :( so if you wanna play it then go ahead :)
•I ate some vanilla pudding today it was good!
•My day was pretty good!
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