My tips on drawing things- scars!
Probably should get a better title..
I’m still trying to figure out how I’m gonna do these tip posts but I already had this in my folder so I might as well use it, can be helpful to someone maybe?
Here’s just some tips from me but warning I ain’t a professional-
First, Scars will look different depending on how it was made (what injury caused it) I really recommend searching up reference photos I know some might say that it’s cheating but it’s not, every professional artist uses them and it’s extremely helpful. If you do n o t want to see actual scars then I recommend searching for other artists adaptations of scars there’s plenty out there (I do not condone copying the reference exactly)
Sometimes you can’t find references for the specific thing you want though- for example searching scar made by magic or lasers might be difficult. But if you understand the basics you can make up how you’d think those type of scars would look!
Keep in mind that scars will look different depending on skin type and skin tones. I tend to go with, darker skin has lighter scars and lighter skin has either light or red-ish scars. And if you’re character has a unnatural skin tone again you can be imaginative! Do what you want
Also something to keep in mind is that scars will curve with the body this is harder to explain, but I hope this is helpful for someone.
I wanna see how well this will do and then I might do longer videos based on requests
3 years ago 259 浏览量 1 框架 18 喜欢用iOS/Android应用程序绘制你的原创动漫