I know im not a fnf mod but this would be my lryics
Hello sure🎵. ARNT you boyfreind/ keith (I want a rap battle🎵 in sure is will beat you! (Boyfreind copys with beep boop laugags well siing) 1 TO.TO3 im ganna slaugther you if you make me mad💤 (OR worse if will send a perefeshninal hitman to kill you🎵 (boyfreind lyrics translated in english (Ok I promise🎵.This is ganna be a fair figth!!🎵) (just pls dont kill me and my gIrrrrllll f-freind!🎵) (My turn: IT BETTER BE WE GOTTA TO FINISH THIS RAP BATTLE BEGPRE JOSH CES HE ALWAYS RUINS EVERYTHING.AND BESIDE HE IS MY ENEMEY🎵.HE DESTROYED TO WORLD OLMOST ONE TIME)🎵(BOYFREIND COPYS WITH BEEPS) (Help help he ganna come he g Anna come your better run he is coming its fore your own safety eeeeee)🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 (boyfreind coopys with beeps but more scared) (RUN RUN RUN RUuUUUn🎵) (song ends)
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