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Riley the peice of shit dog

Here is a link to her picture.....
She is the worse she is a husky mix and she never cab be left alone my dumb fucking aunt don't wanna take care of her even tho we took care of her 3 dogs and 2 cats for 2 duking weaks!1! We have to waste money for her food and we can't go anywhere fun anymore SHES NIT A TRAINABLE DOG AND SHE TERRORIZES MY POOR BABY KITTY BOO. me and my dad hate her she's a attention seeker she scratches me and bites me... she poops and pees purposefully when me and my dad play catch outside she poops when she home alone again purposefully cause she wants us to stay with her... my dad won't get rid of her since he had to get rid of 3 other dogs... chopper (he destroyed the house and had adhd)
Blizzard(poor baby he is with my grandparents now he would howl because he would be home alone for 12-16 hours a day)
And a dog I forgot it's name(Snaped at my moms stomach when she was pregnant with me and almost bit my mom while she had a Emergancy thing) we should get rid of Rilley she made me hate my life she makes me not feel my life home anymore I hate my life now :,(

2 years ago   21 views   1 frames



Dogs dont really no much about was good or bad but woth this dog (a husky especially) they can be really annoying and you NEED to do research or later it might bite you in the arse. Either seek professional help or put it up for adoption or lastly put it down (if shes/he is a danger to your safety[aggressive]) thats all I could thing of.

2 years ago   Reply

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