I don’t know who needs to hear this but I’m saying this to whoever does

I know it’s really really hard for you right now
But remember
You are cared about
I care about you
Even if I don’t know you
It doesn’t matter
I’m so fxcking proud of you for making it this far
Even if you’re just barely making it
You are strong enough to make it all the way here
And I’m proud of you for that
If any one says you aren’t doing that well
Fxck them they don’t understand
You are doing amazing
“It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop” is a quote from Confucius and it’s really true
Despite the hardships you may have
You will get through them as long as you don’t give up
Don’t give up
For everyone else who is going through difficult times
Because seeing other people get through their hardships will help them get through whatever they’re going through
It’ll be ok
I promise it will
Please just don’t give up
Remember if you ever need anything you can talk to me


3 years ago   45 views   1 frames



Artzy anime fan10♡

its gonna be ok
ok :)

3 years ago   Reply

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