
Addressing the Dab and Jace situation …

Lol jk, words from @Dimensional Analysis:

“If you don’t know yet, Jace is 9 and Dab is 13.
And if I’m doing my math correctly, a nine year old would either be in 4th grade or 3rd. Depends if they flunked or not. And a 13 year old would be in 7th grade. So Jace is still in elementary school. While Dab is in middle school (7th grade). And I personally went on google and searched up if it was ok for a 13 yr old to date a 9 yr old. It says no. A nine year old considered a young child, who hasn’t hit puberty yet. While, a 13 year old, has, and are much more matured than a 9 year old. And when Jace turns 10 and dab turns 14, it won’t be any better. It’ll just be the same results with the same exact gap. But feel free to block me. I don’t care. This is my opinion on why it’s concerning. But hey what do I know.”

Ayy I know I used to ship them but that was before I knew this whole thing was kinda weird..


3 years ago   138 views   1 frames   4 Like


  Weirdo weirdo


3 years ago   Reply

🧋☁️♡ 𝚒𝚝𝚜_𝚙𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚢 ♡ ☁️🧋

Hm. I do agree so does that mean I think it? I’m not asking for Jace and Dab to break up, but I just personally think it’s a weird relationship (especially because I don’t believe that 9 year olds should be dating).

3 years ago   Reply

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