Ground Zero || Bakugo Katsuki Head Canons
-no his hero name is not Dynamight and it never has been what are you talking about?
-His room is so grunge it actually forces it's witnessers into anaphylactic shock
-Likes hardcore punk bands
-So bad at videogames it hurts
-hates cats and they hate him
-HARD TIME Bipolar headcanon for him
-Buys passive aggressive christmas presents for people
-probs either bisexual or autosexual
-mood swings faster than the speed of light
-ultra ocd headcanon
-either drives slow asf like a grandma or drives very over the speed limit with absolutely no in between
-argues with 13 y/os on twitter
-has beef with celebrities
-calls people libtards in normal conversations
-half korean idk why he just is
-cant play fps games bc he rages too hard
-bad at candyland for some reason
-makes fun of people with typing quirks
-lies about his height (claims he's 5'6 to make people insecure)
-randomly goes on rants about how much he hates certain things
-If he was trapped on an uninhabited island he would resort to cannibalism on day 2
-has a list of who in class a, b, and the Yueii staff he would kill and eat first in very detailed explanation and order in case of an emergency
-bullies todoroki at every chance he can get no matter what
-*in class, todoroki speaking briefly and respectfully*
Bakugo, on a sticky note: i can see why his dad beat him
-backseat driver
-has to be tied up and blindfolded (sometimes gagged too) on road trips or else he'll get increasingly angry and yell at the driver and/or navigator for not doing anything right, which makes the driver and/or navigator cry from stress.
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