
I have covids

I don't know how to feel about this
Luckily it's not bad

but I have to be a introvert and stay inside more
even tho I already do that

2 years ago   140 浏览量   1 框架



Sigh- I had one of the symptoms which was fever but before COVID-19 started but this was like on the first day of school(it was 2019 still) and then my dad mom and my brother got sick but we survived so there’s a chance you can

Just so you know you need to boost your immune system so you can fight it

You can still have Covid-19 if you get the vaccine


2 years ago   回复

yeha it sucks bad man ☹️
ur eyes hurt n shit but i didn’t die so there’s a good chance u won’t 🤞😪

2 years ago   回复

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