Little bit of a vent post? Sorry if I ruin your mood lol
You don’t have to interact, dw I’m not expecting anyone to 💀
So uh, as many of my friends already know my dad is a pretty bad person, I’m fairly open about my relationship with him but I do tend to overshare. Buuuut this time around I’m just venting for the sake of Yknow venting.
Today was normal tbh, smooth rolling im hyped for a lot of things today but uh, when he asked me to do dishes earlier it all went down hill
Right in the middle of me doing them uh an argument started between him and my mom about how to cut onions and tomatoes I’m assuming-
One thing let to another he threw a water bottle at the floor spilling ice and stuff on the floor and walked out
He was yelling a lot and saying stop repeatedly even tho whenever smth happens it’s his fault.
After like 2-3 minutes he came back in and started cleaning his mess up but it didn’t stop there
He said he would pack a bag and leave if she didn’t stop
She said he could do it and said for him to leave
Then he kept saying stop— extremely loudly
Right in the middle of it I just so happen to decide to grab a plate from the other room so I can add it to the dishes in the dishwasher
Right when I was about to walk infront of him her threw a mop in me and my moms general direction, i didn’t get hit but it still wasn’t great
My mom yelled at him about said mop throw and like usual he said he did not care. (He broke the mop tho- poor mop.) He’s pulled the “I don’t care” card on multiple occasions, but I digress
Soon enough my mom walked out and I tried comforting one of my dogs— since she was near my bedroom door scared shitless
This happened I’m guessing in the span of 30-40 minutes
Right now as I’m typing this he’s playing the victim card- again.
He’s a massive man child who throws baby fits all the time
He is emotionally abusive and I’m scared them itll become physical soon- but I can’t do much if it doessss,
He’s a dickhead and a terrible father
I won’t even call him my father cuz he isn’t one. He’s a narc jerk that doesn’t know when to shut the FUCK up.
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