

How are you doing?

Anyway funny story!
(This story is set in the the bus when I was coming back from school yesterday)
So I'm going to name the people in this story:
- C
- MM
- M
- Me
All of us are chating and then:
C: Ok so guys....there's this guy in my group and he is really nice his name is (****) and he's...erm..kinda ...cute *Blushes*

MM: Who is he?

C: He's the dark skinned one with black hair and the red T-shirt

MM: ooh yeah I've seen him. Ya he's kinda cute...*SAS* but not for me.

Me💭POV: Umm did she ask dummy??

M: Mm..you like him😏

C: No..no i don't

Me: Yes you do😒

-*)Next day at lunch time(*-

C: * talking all sorts of stuff about the boy*

All exept C:Oooo.

Me: Spit it out C you like him

A:why do you like him?his personality?

C: Well 'coz..-

Me: aahh! So you do like him!!
*The boy runs by as I say that*
C:Shhh..shut up!!.....Hush!!

A:ok ok!

So in the end she did like him. Sorry for wasting your time I just like to blab about stuff that happens😑.
Ok bye!!

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