I'm sorry.
Im sorry for ever existing.
I'm sorry if I ever put you through pain.
I'm sorry for ever talking.
I'm sorry for still breathing.
I'm sorry that I even eat.
I'm sorry that I'm drinking the world's precious water.
I'm sorry for all the things you've done for me.
I'm sorry that I'm just another problem in your life.
I'm sorry I take up space.
I'm sorry for being short.
Im sorry for cracking my fingers
I'm sorry my wrists are small.
I'm sorry if you ever saw me crying.
I'm sorry for having dandruff.
I'm sorry for having freckles.
I'm sorry that I'm half Asian.
I'm sorry for ever living in your memory.
Im sorry that I am annoying.
I'm sorry that I cry "to much".
I'm sorry I cry out of no where.
I'm sorry for letting you down.
I'm sorry that I cry to much.
I'm sorry that I'm "a big cry baby".
I'm sorry I "don't care about others".
I'm sorry that I'm not up to your expectations.
I'm sorry I am forgetful.
I'm sorry that I complain "too much".
I'm sorry I had it better than you.
I'm sorry for being "better at drawing" than you.
I'm sorry for letting you believe I am "prettier" than you (I'm not).
I'm sorry that my teeth are crooked.
I'm sorry my lips are cracked.
I'm sorry I have a habit of peeling my skin off my lips.
I'm sorry for my "messy hair".
I'm sorry my fingernails are sharp.
I'm sorry my eyes are to dark and weird shaped.
I'm sorry for having light eyebrows.
I'm sorry my face is chubby.
I'm sorry I type too fast.
I'm sorry for having "neat" handwriting.
Im sorry that I'm "fast".
I'm sorry I have "long" legs and arms.
I'm sorry I talk too much.
I'm sorry I talk quietly.
I'm sorry I don't talk loud enough.
I'm sorry I talk to loud.
I'm sorry I don't talk enough.
I'm sorry my voice is kind of croaky.
I'm sorry I always appear to be busy.
I'm sorry I can "only" talk when you are busy.
I'm sorry that you feel lonely.
I'm sorry I can't make you feel good about yourself.
I'm sorry I can't make you feel better.
I'm sorry that you don't really want to talk to me anymore.
I'm sorry that I'd do almost anything to talk to you.
I'm sorry that you don't see yourself as how I see you.
I'm sorry that you don't see yourself as beautiful.
I'm sorry that I'm a disappointment.
I'm sorry.
(If u haven't met me irl this probably isn't towards you btw.)
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