I wanna kill this kid in my class (Rant)
Okay lemme explain.
So yesterday I wore the Ouija board shirt, fishnet gloves, black pants, a chocker, had my hair half tied, and black boots. I was so happy with my look! My last class some kid sitting next to me asked me "What's your name?" I responded with "It's *****" and he said "So are you like... one of those "Rawr XD" kids?"
I felt so offended I was like "No. The hell? Why do you think that???" AND THIS MAN HAD THE NERVE TO SAY "BECAUSE OF THE WAY YOU DRESS."
I felt so like. UGH
And then I explained to him that I'm into a goth style and I am not a "Rawr XD" kid. Then the kid next to him asked what was happening in Spanish.
OMFG HE RESPONDED SAYING "Oh, they worship Satan. Where like they sacrifice a goat and summon demons."
Then today he tried to ask me "Show me how to summon demons."
Then he exposed me for having no friends and I just joked about it and told him my inner demons are my best friends.
"Can you do the questions for me"
(We were in drivers ed and we were reading a booklet and had to answer questions)
And I asked why
He said
"Because you're a girl."
I wanna kill him.
Anyways that's the end of my rant
Thanks for checking in :)