Contest! One hue of color only!

The contest is to choose one hue of colour and draw your character in it.( I did green)

Here are the rules:
Your drawing must be in one type of colour. ( don't move the color slider after you choose it)

No guilt tripping

Comment done on this post when you finish and include my username in the title.

The point system will have high standards, getting 3 points out of ten on a category doesn't mean your bad at it at all.

(Some other stuff will be added soon (like the point system), just give me time to write it)

Point system: [points will be hidden until the finish]

Normal points: points I will give out on how I like the art all together ( 1-7 points)

Line and shape points: points for how good the lines are in your art also how good the overall shape of the character is (consistency is the main focus) (1-10 points)[best line/shape art will get 2 bonus points, with a max of twelve]

Texture: If your art has texture you will get 2 points, with the art having the best texture gaining 4 instead of 2.

Shading: the lights and shadows in your art. The shading does not at all need to be realistic. I'm looking for shading that compliments the art
(1-5 points, best shading gets bonus 3 for a max of 8)

Atmosphere: a bit hard to explain, but it's basically how the drawing feels from the lighting, particles, and just spacial effects. So try to convey mood and emotion in your drawing. This is hard, so If you can pull it off you will get 5 points.

Spook : it's spooktober so add something spooky to the drawing and you will get 2 points

Colour: you can only use one type, so using it well is important. Try to use a mix of more and less saturation. (1-8 points, art that has the best color will get 1 bonus point for a max of nine)

Perspective: how things further back are smaller and things closer are bigger. This is hard so if you pull it off well enough you automatically get 4 points. The art with the best use of Perspective will get a bonus 3 points.

Pose: poses add ALOT to a drawing, especially when added with Perspective. (1-5 points, best pose gets plus 2)

Background: this is hard to do good with such limited colors. The background doesn't have to be 3d like, it could be patterns and stuff, but 3d background will get way more points. (3-10 points)


3 years ago   555 views   11 frames   9 Like


[user is deactivated]
3 years ago   Reply

I redid mine

3 years ago   Reply

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