Sans and I am myself yeet i...

Random story

So I was at the park with my bf(I’ll call him jimmy for privacy purposes)and I was wearing fishnets,fingerless gloves,a nervana t-shirt and a checkered red skirt.Jimming pointed out these two girls(around 14)coming our way so I got a bit nervous because kids can be weird and they were dressed inbred bright pink dresses with the dye tops over them.they came over and asked”hey!”,”are you EMO?” I thought they were some sort of child Karen so I said no the. They said”oh I just really like that style🥺🥺” and their other friends(who was on the zipline)screamed”WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT!” And laughed her head off 😂.

Jimmy thought that was weird but I,however,liked that,it was a good laugh and a good memory to look back you liked the story ☺️


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