💜Sh@dow Gl!tch Wolfie💜

Okay now this is starting to get annoying..- 💢

1. GUYS! I really am 24. And for you kids who don't believe me then jokes on you. 😂😤😵🥴

And to the people who harass me about it then... who hurt you?? I'm always open to talk if you need too. But pls don't take it out on me. <33


I understand that some people want to stick up for there friend, but really. It is not Keyy's fault for having feelings! 🚫 I mean, any normal human being has them. 🙄

You guys wouldn't attack Mochi or Zee Bee if this happend to them, now would you? If you have an opinion, then state it nicely... Come on guys...

3. Stop all the hate 🚫❌👎

This app is becoming toxic.💀 Stop all the hate and start spreading the love. You can help spread the love by making a post, naming it "#SpreadTheLove" and putting "Shadow" in the disc. Spread the love guys! ❤️

Thank you all for reading! Buh bye my wolves! ❤️❤️


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