
Some people have such bad attitude. Why?

For example, school. Kids try to act so tough but they’re just rude and not fun to be around. Why do people do that? Is it fun being mean? I don’t get it. People say: to have sympathy for those- they might be dealing with something personal… But, why should I care about their problems if they don’t care about mine? Why should I treat them with respect when I get none? Respect isn’t given because you’re cool and tough, it’s earned through different ways to different people (I understand that); but I don’t understand how these people earn others “respect” at all. What happened with being a decent human being? I dunno.


3 years ago   149 views   3 frames



Noah is dead

Bruh please get off my page. It isn’t about you. I’m legit talking about school :/ but look, my bad it seemed like I was talking about you. I will admit I was slightly confused and upset at first but I understand it’s a joke. I just don’t see why this escalated when it’s unrelated to you. I also really don’t want to make this even “bigger” than it already is. I don’t want anything to do with this. I guess this was just a bad timing post. Again, my bad it seemed directed at you :/

3 years ago   Reply
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