
"that vegan teacher" needs to go to a flippin' asylum

1. My parents' reaction was "well I don't want her teaching my kids, she can't even spell!"
2. She legit once said gamers are animal abusers. Me, my dad, and my brother are all gamers. We have a cat and dog, who by the way, ARE HAPPY, AND HEALTHY
3. She says she's "protecting the animals", but she's attacking people, and humans are primates, which IS A KIND OF ANIMAL.
4. She talked to a statue and said it spoke back. It was a normal statue T^T
5. She scares me ._.
6. She won't let people enjoy thier flippin' food!

Killing animals without reason is wrong.
eating animals that are illigal to eat is wrong.
but there's nothing wrong with enjoying meat, honey, or milk!


3 years ago   51 浏览量   1 框架




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3 years ago   回复
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3 years ago   回复 (1)
  Glitched (ErrorRobby)

Vegan teacher: eatinf animals is wrong gordon ramsey hurting animals is wrong! Share this song-

Gordon Ramsey: *spits* Vegan Donut

3 years ago   回复

All of that is true 👍👍

3 years ago   回复

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