Derp Creator Vs ❌Ajax❌ ROUND 2
Commentating: (By ¡GMC!)
¡GMC!: and… Round 2 Begins! 😄
Bell: **Dings**
Both fighters get in the center of the ring
¡GMC!: And Both Fighters with a Vicious start and Ajax Doges all of it- And Get’s caught by derp’s Jab!
Now, both fighters circling the ring
¡GMC!: Ajax Throws a right hook And Ducks Derp’s Counter!
**Crowd in Suspense**
¡GMC!: Derp Grabs On to Ajax and they Both throw A Massive Overhand and land!
Both fighters keeping each other inside the fight for a great range!
Bell: **Dings**
¡GMC!: and that is the end of round 2 :0
Round 2 Punch Stats:
Derp: 2/8 (Power Punches 1)
Ajax: 2/6 (Power Punches 2)
Enjoy like and follow, Round 3 Coming shortly!
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