Battle of Salamanca Pt 3 (The Defeat)
Wellington Broke General Clauzels Weaken left flank so, He commited the Anglo - Portugese Army in the Center but suddenly. His Army on the Center was retreating bc of the French Firepower. So General Clauzel believed that if he could attack the weaken Center. He could Achieve Victory but. Wellington Predicted that he would attack the Weaken Center so. Wellesley Sented the Spanish - Portugese Army to Support The Center and pushed the French out of the Lesser Allipil
And General Clauzels Beaten Left, begun to be routed and Destoryed by the Advancing British Army.
Only the French Right retreated in Good Order.
Casualties on the Battle is Estimated about
British - Allied Army : 5,570 Deaths
French Total: 13,000
7,000 Prisoners
6,000 - 5,500 Dead or Wounded
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