• 💋Allottees💅 •

Story time!

13+ Warning (Bad information)
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Okay, so I have this neighbour (and yes they still are my neighbours i am planning to move out) And they are drug addicted and ones a prostitute she brings people over every single day!

Okay my neighbours had friends who where bad people so my neighbours asked there friends to. Rob me and my family with my 1 YEAR OLD BROTHER so they tried to get into the house but the door is locked so they headed for the car and got in all our personal stuff some left in there and they went to get it my mums boyfriend came out and the other 2 guys had ran off with the stuff except from one guy trying to get into the car start it and drive off or get all things from it. My mums boyfriend questioned him and asked what he was doing and he claimed it was his car. My mums boyfriend got his keys and showed him it wasn't the robber started shouting for help making it seem as if he was the one being harassed my mums boyfriend found out that all the stuff had been taken and the robber tried to run for it this was at 3:36am a police officer was there and the robber ran up to him and claimed that my mums boyfriend was trying to harm his (because he is black) The police officer didn't buy it and the police officer was mixed race so nothing really worked for him my mums boyfriend explained what happened and showed him evidence my mum me and my brother left the house and spoke to the police officer and explained what we saw and heard the man was sent to jail but not for to long. He will be out soon, and I think I have an idea where he'll attack first.

luckly we are moving in a few months or next month if we don't we are stuck in the same house for another year. And I don't want to know what happens next..

2 years ago   10 views   4 frames


  • 💋Allottees💅 •

By the way my mums boy friend recorded most of it to the part where he's started to run to the police officer

2 years ago   Reply

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