
More info HELP ME....

Ok, I'm probably not the smartest kid EVER, but, I went to school with COVID, not knowing I had it. My throat was sore all day, cause I got the new variant, that can get you sick in a split second. There were 14 kids in my class today, probably all got sick some way or another. The amount of kids shortened, and now there's 13 with me gone. Someone was reported with covid in MY classroom, and bassicly no kids are probably in my class now. Because of the kid who was sick and me... and stop blaming me. I did nothing. I thought I slept with my mouth open or something. Now I have stuffy nose, sore throat, and COVID. The whole story by me. It's absolutely TORTURE LIVING IN MY ROOM FOR 2 MAYBE 10 DAYS STRAIGHT. HELP MEEEE!!!!


3 years ago   7 views   1 frames


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