Sheriff Art Style (90 Followers Special Contest)
It's been two months ago, 2 previous challenge are ended since December. Sorry guys, but the 2 previous contest, 60 Followers Special Contest and 70 Followers Contest are cancelled due to school schedule and internet problem. Sorry if this hurt your feeling, but it's the major problem that happened to my family. Sorry guys, and don't mad at me because I can't fill your promise.
So, you read reason why I don't announce the winners in 2 previous contest above, right? So, today, is the 90 Followers Special Contest!
The challenge is, draw yourself as sheriff!
Simple, right? Well, i will tell you the points of your art have. This points are the important thing that can help you even more to win.
Art Style
3 Points- Normal Art Style (your current art style)
5 Points- Changed Art Style (change your art style to your art)
8 Points- Process to Process Art Style (have processes to your art)
10 Points- Shading, Shadow and Show (you have shading, shadow and showing your effect to users that looks to your art)
+1 Point- No Effects
+3 Points- Only Shading
+6 Points- Shading and Shadow
+8 Points- 3S (Shading, Shadow and Show)
+10 Points- Custom Effect (like, irls= in real life shadow, brightness and others)
+1 Point- No Decorations
+3 Points- Simple Decorations
+7 Points- IRL Decorations (flowers, sun, mountain and others)
+10 Points-Custom Decorations (draw decoration with your own ideas)
+1 Point- No Background
+3 Points- Background Decoration
+8 Points- Background Colour and Decorations
+10 Points- Custom Background Effect
Selection of Colours
+1 Point- No Colour
+3 Points- Only Darker Colours
+5 Points- Only Brighter Colours
+8 Points- BC and DC (BC= Brighter Colours, DC= Darker Colours)
10 Points- Custom Colour (or colouring effect)
"+Points" are the bonus points.
Top 3 Most Highest Points will getting a fan art and a Shoutout.
Challenge ends in 25 January 2022.
3 years ago 47 views 1 frames 1 LikeDraw your original anime with iOS/Android App!