(=•)Kirby And B.W.D. INC. &...


A mysterious creature that is said to shapeshift into anything it pleases. It's appearance is shown with a slender looking body shape, dragon-like wings, and a lion-like tail. Making it appear to be like a gargoyle. It is also known as The Beast Of The Night, Or Nightmare. It fools prey by shapeshifting into a person, then luring it's prey into it's domain. It then strikes it's prey, clawing it apart. A rather interesting thing about this creature is that it is stated that it might be shy, as it stays away from most areas with a lot of people in it. It also might be more passive to children than to an adult. They say only 2 went missing, and never came back, but 15 other missing cases of children happened, but surprisingly, they were all found unharmed. Rumors say it might only kill children who disturb it, or because it is hungry. Rumors say that if you became friends with Nightmare, it will save you when your in danger. Another rumor is that it might have been a normal person, just like everyone else, but because of hate, it lead to problems, and it might have became this monster, killing whoever gets to annoy or harm it. There is also a chance it will let you go, giving you a second chance to leave it alone. There is a rumor where if you come back see it again, it won't be at it's domain. But then it will follow you back home, and kill you. But this creature is not yet identified, yet, so we don't know if these are all true, or some are. There is a chance none of these may be true, but it is estimated there is some true about this creature.
(I hope you like the made-up bio I made of it, 🇱🇹 🅲🅷🆄🅱🅱🆈🅱🅾🅸 🇱🇹!)


3 years ago   261 views   1 frames   3 Like



(=•)Kirby And B.W.D. INC. &...

Also when is Mr.Greeney going to do another class?

3 years ago   Reply

(=•)Kirby And B.W.D. INC. &...

Doesn't matter! It's amazing!

3 years ago   Reply
  (=•)Kirby And B.W.D. INC. &...

Thank you! I just made it up, though!

3 years ago   Reply (2)

Oh my god...

3 years ago   Reply (1)
  ur door 🚪

(=•)Kirby And B.W.D. INC. &...

I commented on ur posts of greeney

3 years ago   Reply

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