

i am sick and tired of seeing people constantly copy @strawberryfroqqy (formerly and commonly known as mochirushmoom)
having mochi in your name is fine same with a small similarity in your oc like pink hair or the character being the same animal as strawberrys oc is.
But I've seen so many people rip off mochi it's disgusting
you don't need to copy 'famous' people to gain popularity
mochi quite obviously works hard on her ocs and spends time on them, and to rip them off is sad and lazy
I've also seen people try to copy her artstyle for fun and do her challenges using HER artstyle
it's fine to copy her artstyle as something for a post and you give credit, but if you try to constantly use the same eye style, hair style, whatever, you can't expect people to not notice eventually
also, the point of challenges are to draw things in your style? Not to completely try to copy whatever the challenge is?? Hello??
Please stop this, it's getting old and I don't care if you're whining about it because you're "her idol"
that's no excuse? If your her biggest fan you could atleast respect her
to this point there's so many pink haired cat people with mochi in there name I just want to rip my hair out
What's the point? are u sick of getting no followers and u want clout so badly you're willing to copy a poor 18 yr old girl? Pathetic.


3 years ago   95 views   1 frames   3 Like


  ♡{{Pa̸n̸icK̸e̸yy}} ♡

Yes thank you 👏
Fr so annoying how ppl feel the need to rip off our dear beloved mochi and deny things like… we clearly can see it lisa wtf 🗿

3 years ago   Reply


3 years ago   Reply

Thank you for speaking out about this! /g
I usually try to pay it no mind since I know they're younger and I should try to be patient, but even when I do try to help, they still go back to copying my OC. I also kind of realize how petty it is to make post after post about this, but it's really frustrating when I try to help, they go back to the old design, and then get complimented for a design that is essentially a rip-off. I just want to help them grow out of it so it isn't a habit later, but it's kind of hard when the pattern of giving them a design and them changing it back happens constantly and with different people.

It just makes me not want to be as nice and that kind of makes me feel bad for my own mindset. It's a cycle of frustration /lh

3 years ago   Reply

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