
I've failed you, parapps23...

In effert to try to make you good, I was blocked 3 times. I made 2 new accs. I just don't understand how you could hate someone trying to help you. I'm so sorry but I'm putting up the white flag. But I'm still fighting other people to be kind for you. Here is my message to all of you:

"Look. I made 2 alt acc for this guy, and I'm saying this. Being mean isn't going to do anything. Be nice and handle with love. Your just giving him what he wants. I'm saying my brother was like that and I helped him. You know why my brother did those things? He had cancer. He had messed up things going on with HIM so he was mean to other people. It's the same thing with bullies. We have no idea what his happening in parapps23 life right now! He could be abused for all we know! So give him a break. You don't need to like him, or respect him but AT LEAST be kind to him."

2 years ago   43 浏览量   1 框架


  (=•)Kirby And B.W.D. INC. &...


...Oh. But still, I don't know if Parapps is going to change...

2 years ago   回复 (1)

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