
What's the definition of a pedophile

The definition of a pedophile depends what you consider it about for example most people when they hear the word "pedophile" focuses to astranger who is in a van and works his way to kidnap children. Most children might already know not to approach a mysterious van without their parents Permisson or consent. Even if they get their permission they might say "no" because they fear that'll their children will get abducted.

There's a lot of pedophiles on the internet take for example Adbel. His cases are very long but based on evidence. His case was based on a 11 year old who he called him/her a "kid" but he didn't just call her that'll. He posted many Innappropriate topics. One topic was about killing the girl. He posted many Innappropriate topics for a 11-13 year old to see. I know you might be saying "the person was way older than a kid" I do understand that but still, what if he put the preteen-teen home address or even worse, comes to their house knocking on their door, untill someone opens the door.

Many people when they hear his name Adbel they think of a pedophile because he also makes accounts pretending to be 11-14 how do we know it's him? Many people suggest that his "broken english" gives out who he really is. Other than that many people are afraid of him commenting their local location or Innappropriate topics. If you would like to make a another verison of this, incase I accidentally delete this. copy and paste all the information about him. Also I might start a new club called stop bullying for everyone [SBFE] this club willl be focused on preventing cyber-bullying on the internet.

Also how did I manged to get through bullying?
One way is to ignore someone who's bully you. Sometimes you might feel that ignoring them might make them feel like your scared of them, but you have to do in order to not be scared of bullying. Also another way is to be intimidating. Sometimes you have to make them feel scared because if their scared of you, they won't bully you anymore. It might sound like every bully is not scared but believe it or not they have a weakness. Every human-beng have a weakness to something. For example touching someone's skin. Anyways I will make a Info on how to join the [SBFE] club. Untill than I come back from my break very early,

2 years ago   18 浏览量   1 框架


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