Before you,
Before you I’ve said that I couldn’t fall in love, and before that I thought love was staying with someone even when you felt like you didn’t like them so when you did like them again you were there. I wasn’t ever a bad partner from what I knew people told me all the time I was the best person they dated (which boosted my ego) but I didn’t know what falling in love with someone was like intill you, people say it hits you like a train but it really didn’t for me, it crept in slowly. I realized when I would get so tired I couldn’t talk and you thought I was asleep that before mute it me on the discord server that you would whisper to me “goodnight looovveee youuu” in a joking term that I definitely felt something, then when you stayed the night at my house and let me hold you in my arms there was a spark and my heart jumped and more in the morning when you half asleep asked me you hold you again and when I realize that I had a crush on you I thought it would be the same as other times that it would fade within weeks and that I would prefer to be your friend, it didn’t fade not even when I get upset not even when you yelled at me it stood unwavering, I think this is different. I think I’m in love
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