One time I tripped and fell if you wanna know how, the full story is on the description.
In the morning, I was going to visit my cousins but then while my mom was driving she saw 2 dogs, she said "mine" in Spanish (oh yeah she speaks Spanish) I knew she was playing so I laughed, we wanted to return them to their owners so we checked our neighbor that had like a bunch of barking dogs, he said "they are not mine, if you want you can set up posters so the original owners can find them." We decided to do it differently, we took forever then at night we were going to the next house but then I tripped and scrapped my arm, how you maybe asking.. The sidewalk was like.. Crooked because a tree grew right next to it and the roots lifted the side walk up and that's how I tripped.. My mom put me a cast and a couple of days later it kinda healed so I took it off by my self so I told my mom and she was surprised how I took it off. Then I took a shower and it COMPLETELY TOOK OFF but then it left a stain.. I still remember how I got that scratch anyway..
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