Presenting ,The princess of Alethe
Alethe, a name given to females in the greek language meaning truth. She predicts the truth, not the future. She sees not even Zeus sees, she remains in the undiscovered dephs of the ocean, unlike Posiedon she doesn't live in a palace instead surrouned by the swirling mysteries that cross her mind. She is immortal and has lived before the creation of humans, before the dinosaues roamed the earth, even before the oceans were created. You might ask how is that possiable if her home if the ocean and yet she was born before the ocean was even created? She was birthed from thoughts, thoughts conjoing together creating Alethe a thereoy. That thereoy morped into truth, thus the creation of Alethe. Respect her with the highest honors or face the consquences of your actions, truth will be told. Also please like for my hours spent staring at a bright computer screen, thanks.
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