Josh likes Bugattis

A funny story about the water fountain

So at college we have a lot of water fountains and stuff so we have a rule where you don’t do 3 seconds we do 5 seconds and if you do between 5 and 10 seconds you raise your hand but at 10 seconds you tap em in the head and slap em across the face as HARD as you can! So what happened was I was in line waiting at the water fountain and then I became second in line and so I was waiting and he took more than 5 seconds so like any man would do I raised my hand but the teacher was collecting homework so I had to wait and then my friend took more then 10 seconds and I got kinda scared because we were good friends but I hoped he would not mind since you don’t get in trouble for doing the slap no matter how bad the damage was. So I slapped him real hard on his left cheek and I knocked his masks off his face and into the trash right beneath the fountain and I formed blood but because I wouldn’t get in trouble I was fine but the I heard a sound and I turn to my left and see I knocked out his tooth and ever since then we STILL slap people and I knew the teacher would be like ok I will slap the kid for him but I can’t because im not in the 19th century anymore so I will get fired so I just have to tell the kid to slap him but she did not have to because I did the rules as they’re supposed to be so lol yeah that’s my story how my one slap beat the shit out of my friend on accident lol


3 years ago   25 浏览量   4 框架


  Josh likes Bugattis

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