
Human me (in RP not irl)

MY STORY IN A NUTSHELL so the animatronic me was born the same time human me was human me was in a 3rd dimension with Mari and the pizzeria.... THEN when 1st deme sin me was 15 and 3rd dimension me was 15 3rd dimension me was killed by PG and stuffed into

8 years ago   38 views   1 frames



there. (In dimension 1 Mari is kinda a supreme leader FYI) we are all in this dimension and I am the only one from that dimension who is here. None of you guys (except Mari lol) exist in dimension 1. BOOM!

8 years ago   Reply

A Pie animatronic (there is no 2nd dimension me) 1 and 2 eventually merged together to create 1 dimension so there are now only 2 dimensions. Animatronic me from dimension 1 stumbled into THIS dimension and just became the same as the Pie who was already

8 years ago   Reply

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