Sigh~ ε-(•́ω•̀๑)
Since a certain someone wants to use me in a post and act like I’m such a bad influence, let’s go through some evidence of him ON THE APP back tracking and being a liar and hypocrite.
Abdel repeating past behaviors and me guessing he would:
Abdel lying:
Abdel being a hypocrite:
Abdel lying again:
I just want to point out how gullible some minors on here are. Regardless of my age, I’m an adult first and foremost and I don’t like someone who has these ideas who harasses others to have a platform. I don’t care if he’s banned or not, I simply wish for him to stop being a jerk to kids, people who don’t want to talk to him, or even people who simply draw.
I’m not even the only 18 year old to go after you. People your age and my age have made posts, but you only used my name… Hmm… odd… Are YOU still stuck on the past? Or maybe my following affects you more than the fact you went after minors.
You said you apologized to Corn and Cali, but why would you need to apologize? Is it maybe because… those screenshots are true and you DID try to break them up using God as a reason? Hmm…
I also need to hear from Corn and Cali themselves before I EVER take his word.
It sickens me that you people are ignoring the victims and believing him with… ONE screenshot he has that shows different times anyway. You don’t get to believe him if you were not a victim.
Also, no one is bringing up last drama. The ISSUE AT HAND is you being creepy to Cali and using God as an excuse when you also brought up the idea of cheating on your girlfriend. For people who don’t know you, of course we’e going to say what you’ve done. There is no point in hiding your past if you’ve truly changed.
That’s all I have to say. If Abdel sees this, keep in mind that I am not a part of those DMs. If anything, focus on apologizing to Corn, Cali, and anyone involved and maybe stop looking for others on here to forgive you or fight with.
It’s common sense ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)
3 years ago 2201 views 4 frames 50 LikeDraw your original anime with iOS/Android App!