
Important Post

Some may click off, some won't,
And no this is not about Adbel and his Pedophilia, but I'm using the current situation with Abdel as an example,
So This post is for those who support adbel, based on his art!-
So if you support any pedophile, Then don't comment, I rather you not make a rant about Adbel. I'm just teaching you about a real apology vs a fake apology (This is Inspired by Froqqy post)
So let's say, Edward treats someone bad, based on their opinions, Opinions are perfectly fine as long as you don't support adbel. So will the new people forgive Edward? No, because the new people only saw Edward treating someone badly, So they won't forgive him, because of his background history, A person that does bad things once will be forgiven, but if someone does more than 1 time, They will not be forgiven the second time!-
My response to the people involved in the situation (victims)
I'm sorry Adbel used religion to manipulate you, This isn't the first time Adbel sexually harassed a underage minor!-
He never and won't ever change, Unless, he deletes the app.
My response to Adbel Post
No one will ever forgive you (expect new people) your basically just ranting on AM, saying "you didn't do it" when in reality, your a dirty ass pedo who's Pedophilia won't ever change, Atleast, improve your English, Idiot Adbel. Your just a 17 year old saying in God words you are sorry, when your not, Your only sorry because you want people to not know about your background history, Dumb Adbel.
Copy and paste this to spread this to other people to know!

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