
Sonic 4 is the worst 2d sonic game in the history of 2d sonic

More specifically sonic 4 episode 2, because that's free.
Good graphics.
It has tails so it's easier, right? INCORRECT. Tails occasionally makes the experience 3792847 times worse by completely ruining everything at the worst moment.
Imagine you're in Oil Dessert or whatever and you get to this one part
_________. _________. ∆∆∆∆∆. ____. O. O. O. O. O. ?

_ is the floor, ∆ is spikes and O are these orb things

You have to use tails flight mechanic to get across. Easy enough, right? N. O. Tails sucks. You know how in classic games you have to just tap a bunch of times and fox kid go up , and you have like 30 seconds to move upward. In Sonic 4 ep 2 you have 6 taps then Tails drops you like a hot potato. And if he hits a wall or an enemy you fall.

So you fly to the second platform and you get there, but you hit a corner, and down the HECK you go. Also he might stop flying while over the spikes. Also this is all happening over a bottomless pit.

In conclusion, this wasn't a rant about how sonic 4 ep 2 suck, It was about how tails in sonic 4 ep 2 sucks. I hope Miles knows that my disappointment is immeasurable and my night is ruined


2 years ago   21 views   1 frames



My point still stands.

2 years ago   Reply

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