Backrooms Interactive Part 2
Yep I’m doing this again by popular demand! The reason I chose the backrooms again was because it was really fun last time but it ended to quickly, so this time I’m thinking of making this a more long term series!
Just like the last two times I will be letting the comments decide what happens in the story, I will chose whichever comment I like the most!
You wake up and immediately try to run back through the door you came, but soon find out that the door is no longer there and you ran face first i into a wall…
You take a second to evaluate your situation and come to the conclusion that you must of been kidnapped and are being held in some kind of basement, I mean that’s the most logical thing you can think of right now…
You start yelling to try to get the attention of the people who kidnapped you, but nothing happens…
What do you do next?
2 years ago 78 浏览量 10 框架 1 喜欢用iOS/Android应用程序绘制你的原创动漫