Late night/veey early morning last minute assignments hit different
Usually, i do my assesments/assignments/homework at 11pm-6am in one sit-in
Youd think its bad, but with coffee, a monster or some energy drjnk, its better.
My rooms not boiling, or frezzing, its a lil chilly, how i like it, and im really chilled out at this time, so i can think properly until 4amish
I recommend it if yoyr sleep schedual is fucked ir u dont mind losing sleep
Or uf your good at catching
The house is also quiet as people are sleeping, so i can have my music on ans literally just chill without worrying about any interruptions or problems
I enjoy night time, i think though, if your rooms not cozy or comfy, make it to your style, otherwise you cant really call it, your room lol
Random rant while im taking a 5 min break :]
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