"Ultra Player"

I had this crazy dream or one of my worst nightmares yet

So my brother was in it, right? And as far as I could remember we were in the room where you could see all of outside from inside, I was looking at outside doing morning stuff, us playing on the phone when suddenly I saw all the clouds were covering the sky then it got darker like a loading screen and then lesson learned, don't think what's gonna happen in a dream, I thought there was gonna be a tornado and I saw like a supercell forming then a vortex and then I thought "it's gonna probably get to us" and one glimpse kinda lile a lag spike ripped through the ceiling and in front of my face so I grabbed my brother, yelled at him to go downstairs, and it felt so real like I just woke up, went there, playing my game, and then all this happened like I could FEEL MYSELF and it was crazy scary and we found shelter and then I woke up suddenly cause I wanted to plug my phone in and then a few moments later I realized it was all a dream, I was curled up in bed and everything

2 years ago   35 浏览量   1 框架   1 喜欢


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2 years ago   回复
  "Ultra Player"

Yes guys I do care for my brother there's a word to describe it but idk what

2 years ago   回复 (1)

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