little talk about my conroversies and shit i guess
this post is mainly about my controversies but others too.
controvrsy part;
now i am, mainly, a very friendly and kind person. but very emotional too. i tend to get pissed at people and cause small controversies. now no, i am not as controversial as frank or abdel but have been moving down the "good" ranks as more leave the app and get me closer to being hated asf.we have people like rodrick and parapps who have started to settle down bcus theyre getting bored which leaves me fucked.and then we have the instance where frank had hacked me. he made me loose friends had mebecome a bit of a bitch in other peoples eyes. he made me look like a nazi and a pedophile leaving me stranded in the fucking dust. as ive said controversial people have started to stop as its gotten boring. like frank, parapps and rodrick are three many havent heard from in a while so ive climbed the shitty person ranks by calling out people that are racist who delete their racist comments make me look bad. then theres that lithuania artist kid. whaterver the hell his name is. hes white and said the n wrd and he has more supporters and friends than me which means im now very shitty. this all makes me highly controversial to this app and like abdel whoever you ask may have a different opinion on me.
upsetness part;
in my bio i say "my mental state is kinda meh" which isnt a lie. with what has been going on in my life like our (not u and me, my family and i) landlord threataning to sell our hous while my families broke, my aunts cancer getting worse, my mums happiness deprivating, my other aunt being worried about her upcoming baby its just stressful. and even the hacking incident from last year still bugs me as my i guess hero on this app (panikeyy) had only found out she had blocked me and unblocked me near the end of last year it still bugs me and doesnt help.
guten morgen also:)
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