
Usefull life tips

If you ever talk to someone, and they start talking about a topic you don't want to be spoken about, you can do a multiple things :
1. Interrupting
Switch topics. You can easily interrupt a talk with something like this :
"Wait! Sorry for interrupting, but *other theme*..."
Just start talking about something different and hope for da best.
2. Fake call/message
Faking things was always actual thing. So here is how you can fake it. You can just put a random timer for 1 minute and when it rings pretend it's a phone call, or just say "Wait! I have an important message to answer to! Can you wait for a bit?
3. Go away.
Again, fake a phone call or massage and say :
"Sorry! I gotta go! My family needs some help! Cya!"
!!! WARNING !!!
Not all of this can be used in real life. This is just an example what you can do in this situation.

Hope this helped!


2 years ago   29 views   1 frames   1 Like



Ty :0

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