
💗💜IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! ^o^🍰💟 Also this is my OC Annika (Some facts about her) 💜💗

Okay IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'M ON A HOTEL RIGHT NOW(~u^) Tommorow I'm gonna go Ice Skating😁 This is my beloved OC Annika right there💗💗💗 ♡This some facts about her:

Name: Annika
Nickname: Annie
Age: 13-15???
Gender: Female
Relationships: Henry(Father) Ava(Mother)
Species: Human
Sexuality: Asexual/Aromantic
Height: 5'5
Nationality: Filipino
Status: Alive
Hair Color: Light Coral Pink
Eye Color: Lavender Purple

Appearance: Annika or Annie has a Long Light Coral Pink Hair tighten up Ponytail and has Lavender Purple Eyes, Her Facial Expression are always serious, it looks like she's emotionless but she really have a caring heart, she wears a Uniform with a Blue Vest and Dark Blue Ribbon, Blue Skirt and Blue Boots, Some Pink lines/idk what it is called for the Design of her Outfit.

Personality: She's serious alright SHE'S SERIOUS,
She's always serious just serious ok serious ok...
Her Personality is Serious.
She has a caring heart and very kind to her friends, kinda shy to people who she just first met but she ended up being friendly to the person.

Backstory: Just gotta add later I'm lazy :p

♡Fun Facts about her:
•Annika is very famous at her school but she doesn't care about it, many people wants to be her friend but her only friends is her brother Adam, she cares about him even tho he's always grumpy and always lying.

•Annika is Aromantic meaning she is having no interest or having desire for romantic relationships, that's just same to Asexual

•Annika is always serious which makes her look like Emotionless

•Annika never cries (I mean she cries when she was a baby but she only cries for no reason)
When something very bad happen to her, she doesn't cries, just very sad and upset, but she's seen cry one based on my story.

•Annika's favorite candy is Mentos eyyyy

•Annika is a very hardworking student and that is one of the reason why she became famous

•Annika hates Anime especially the romantic ones (Sorry for the Anime Fans right there)
That also says that Annika hates love/romantic story/movies

•Annika has a twitter account named "AudriAnika" that means the name Audrey and Annika mixed, Audrey name means Strength meaning she looks weak but she's Strong!
The name Annika means Sweet Faced, even tho her face looks serious or emotionless, her heart is super sweat! Weak and Emotionless in the outside B U T Strong and Sweet in the inside!
Eyyy!!!! That mixed well that's why her twitter name is "AudriAnika" hihihi (Also don't search her twitter name in twitter it's not real hahaha it's only on my Story or my OC's world

•Annika is a Dalagang Filipina. Ye!!!

•Annika doesn't have tiktok lol

•I'm tired doing fun facts I'm just go here to sleep even it's just 8:29 in my country lol, uhhh gotta edit the later or tommorrow! Excited on Ice Skating! 😁😃💜

BUT WAITTTT BEFORE YOU GO TO THE COMMENTS PLS ANSWER MY QUESTION AND COMMENT IT: If you met Annika what will your reaction be like, what you gonna say or do???
Just comment down below it! I hope you my OC
^ω^💜 Okay that's it! Happy Birthday to me!!! :D


2 years ago   115 views   1 frames   2 Like


  🔸️𝓐𝓝𝓣 𝓐𝓡𝓣 🔸️

Hey I'm hosting a contest it would be great if you participated! Hope to see you there.😆

2 years ago   Reply

Happy birthday! ❤

2 years ago   Reply
  Lady_VioletXx 2

Hello guys💜 This is now my daily account!

2 years ago   Reply


Oh shoot I didn't read the whole thing sorry 😭😭😭 my reaction if i met her would probably be to hug her basically- I wouldn't say anything cause im a weird person :) I would just hug her and walk away

2 years ago   Reply


Thank you so much ^ω^💜

2 years ago   Reply

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