
Roblox Story, True Story☆

I was play with my cousin on roblox pretty much the entire weekend, once while we were playing Mad Murder X we were teaming just to see peoples reaction.....we like making people mad....is that bad?? Though there was other people teaming. Anyways, someone was so mad they said (word for word)
"Bro ppl like u are why pppl commit suxxxicxxxixxxdxe"
Like, your really so mad over a game you're going to bring other peoples reasons for su¡c¡d3 into this? However I did report them on this. This is what I said in my report, it ended up as a short paragraph😂💀

Im not sure if the is the right category, however, they were mad at people for teaming and eventually said (word for word) "Bro ppl like you are why pppl commit suxxxicxxxixxxdxe". I hate the fact they said this due to the fact I know 3 people having heavy amounts of suicidal thought and a person who cut, and a person who overdosed themselves. Thankfully all of these people are still ok, but that is besides the point, su¡c¡d3 is not a joke.

Like I said, I take su¡c¡d3 very seriously. And the people I mentioned aren't fake, they're real and it's true. However I did leave out the fact that 2 people in my family commit su¡c¡d3 and did not make it. I don't know these 2 people, I was just told the stories.

2 years ago   135 views   1 frames


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