Encanto girl

mirable in sims

ok so mirable lives in oasis Springs... she was failing school so she decided it was her birthday... she grew up and has fallen in love with johny zest.... she didn't want to marry him but when I went to get a drink and came back she was going to have a baby.... (lesson never leave sims unattended) she still didn't want to marry him yet.... johny joined household....mirable got stuck in bathroom for some reason I had to save her...stole all johnys money when he join household....she finally decided to propose.... he said yes.....got married imidatly (mirables life is moving fast it's only the second day)....became best friends...
important update!
jhony is cheating with summer!!!
mirable doesn't know yet....
oh no she found out... she is extremely mad....mirable wants a divorce... (still only the second day lol)
built a shed... johny lives in shed....mirable wants him back tho.....
mirables life is more interesting than camilos....(no offence camilo sim)
summer called jhony for advice if she should date this other guy.... YOU ARE DATING JHONY!!! uggg summary... there definitely gonna break up.... there friendship levels are going down.... johny set himself on fier while cooks, survived...there friendship is so low..... mirable is singing waiting on a miracle? no she's just slowly moving even tho game is paused....
.... mirable met Steven.... a lot has happened in three days.... jhony is sleeping on the couch even tho I made him a whole room... mirable is very sad because of divorce.... mirable asked steven to join household....me accepted and swapped jhony out for him... so jhony is gone now guy's.... jhony was poor and lived with them anyway... jhony is back... mirable fell in love with Steven...Steven and mirable are going to get married... (it's the third day...she got divorced yesterday) got married....
I mean camilos life was just boring compared tho this.....
had baby named taco... (I quit game)

2 years ago   51 回視聴   1 コマ   3 いいね



Encanto girl

Dudw died i wa slike 😁😃😅😶😪😪😪😪

2 years ago   返信

I remeberr when i was palying johhny zest life and i made him date a girl and have a baby and then 😪 DUDE GOT ELETROUCUTED FROM A COFFEE MACHINE

2 years ago   返信 (1)

Questsion are u making anymore?

2 years ago   返信 (1)


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