~History Animation~

The Attack of the Dead Men (World War 1)

In July 1915, The Germans have been attacking Osowiec Fortress, with Infantry, Artillery, and Chlorine Gases Led by Field Marshal Paul Von Hindenburg. The Russians have 500 Soldiers from the 226th Zemlyansky Infantry Regiment and 400 Undertrained Soldiers.

At Dawn, August 6, 1915, at 04:00 AM an Entire German Front launched Chlorine Gases against the Russians. The Germans knew that the Russians does not have more available Gas Masks, and thought that they would be met with no Resistance. Until They saw a Masked Russian Officer and begun Screaming. If you don't understand how Chlorine affects our Body, it would burn the lungs and throat causing you to would cough blood and bits off your lungs.

The Chlorine Gas had given them a zombie-like complexion, those who hadn’t already died were dying as they counterattacked. The Germans were terrified seeing the Russian Soldiers charging forward. Five Russian Artillery remained undamaged after the German bombardment, and they began firing at the retreating Germans.

The Attack of the Dead Men was a brutal example of the horrors of chemical weapons in World War 1.

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Ah yes nothing better than reading something about history before going to school with the first asigment being history

2 years ago   回复

You have a great art

2 years ago   回复

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