3 tips on how to draw Hands! ( my ways, cheating? )
It’s been a while since I’ve made a how I draw- this video isn’t exactly that but it’s still just my way of doing things, you don’t need to listen to me I’m not an expert whatsoever ^^’
Things I want to add!
1- this is how I always draw hands, break it down into simple shapes then line and add details later. I could understand that this may be hard for beginners but one thing you have to learn about art is that everything is just shapes e v e r y t h i n g. (Try breaking down an image into shapes you’ll see)
2- I would say that references are almost a requirement for being an artist- it’s very important. You shouldn’t get stuck with drawing everything from your head even if it’s something you know how to draw! I know how to draw an apple but if I look up a picture of an apple it’s going to look different from the apple in my head yknow what I mean?
And I use my own hand as a reference especially when I need to figure out what way the thumb is and stuff like that it’s helpful >< but you could also use your own hand as a reference by taking a picture of it- for when you maybe can’t find the hand pose you want
3- now this last tip. I think someone will call it cheating but in my opinion it’s not xd I’ve noticed that a lot of artists do this thing were they have a few specific hands (4-5 usually) that they draw and in all of their drawings they use those same hands all the time, they just change minor things or add a little something. Like an extra finger or change the hand or angel- so if you can get good at drawing a few hands then boom you are set
Hope these tips can be somewhat helpful or at least give you an insight to how I do my work for those who have been curious!
(Thanks for sticking around this long)
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