~History Animation~

June 16 | 1815 Napoleon and Marshal Ney defeated the Anglo-Prussian Army at Quatre Bras & Ligny, This was Napoleon's last Victories before the Battle of Waterloo

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of The Most Powerful People in the World was defeated by His Main Enemies in 1814, and was sent to the Tiny Island of Elba to live out the rest of his life. But Napoleon made One of the Histories Notorious Move and went back to France with a Personal Army of 900. King Louis Sent out Troops to arrest Him but As soon as they went face to face with the Emperor they immediately abandoned him and joined Napoleon's Side. And When Napoleon arrived in Paris he has immediately crowned Emperor of the French once more and regained Control of France. This would be the Beginning of the Waterloo Campaign

Napoleon sent Messages to European nations like Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Italy, Spain, and Portugal offering Peace but they Politely Declined his Offer.

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