Newton (posts here mostly)
my son♥️
Age is 10
Pronouns are he/they/it
(letting him update when it fronts)
Galileo (fronting rn)
Age is 20
Pronouns: it/he
I enjoy reading & drawing.
age is 20+
pronouns are he/him
(again, letting him update)
Age is 30
Pronouns are he/they/glam
glam dosent front much anymore but sometimes will co-front
we don’t know his age but he’s older
pronouns are he/him
he mostly co-fronts with Newton.
Age is 30+
Pronouns are any
does a lot of schoolwork & chores.
don’t know age
Pronouns are they/them
they enjoy being social with others, and are very polite.
Draw your original anime with iOS/Android App!