~History Animation~

Eastern Front | Part 45 | “Allied Planning”

The Germans are at risk of encirclement in the North, and Hitler is desperate for a sudden change of the Eastern Front that would drastically change the tide. The Allies on the Western Front are planning for an Invasion of France, named “Operation Neptune” an Invasion of the Entire Country of France from North and South. Hitler knew that the Invasion of France was beginning to show itself. The Germans firmly believed that the Anglo-American Army would land in Calais, and fortified the city. Hitler appointed Field Marshal Erwin Rommel as the Commander and Rommel fortified the entire coast of Western Europe. Making the Allied Invasion deadly and risky.

The Supreme Allied Commander of the Invasion was Dwight D. Eisenhower, He was inexperienced but an excellent commander. Eisenhower supervised a Plan to liberate France in Normandy which would be known as “Operation Overlord”. The Problem with the Operation was the Weather in the English Channel. He appointed James Martin Stagg and other Meteorologists to predict the Weather, and did predicted that the Weather would be favorable on June 6, and the next available dates would be unfavorable. So it was decided to begin the Invasion on June 6.

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Soviet Union Just started doing the cheat #Setarmy 99999999999

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