~History Animation~

RMS Carpathia “Fate of RMS Titanic's Rescue Vessel” | How She Sank?

RMS Carpathia departed from Liverpool and was heading to Boston, with over 56 Passengers and 166 Crew. Carpathia sailed on a Zig zag course to avoid being sunk by a German U-Boat she was accompanied by six other ships. And as the Largest Ship of the Group, she was assigned as a commodore ship. And Three and a half hours later, at 9:15 AM while sailing southwest of England, she spotted a Torpedo. The Engines were immediately full-astern but it was too late as the Torpedo Struck RMS Carpathia's Port side. Which hit on Watertight 3. And another one hit on the Engine Room, Killing 5 People.

The Explosion of the Carpathia damaged the Electrical Gear and Communications so, they used messages by flag. As Carpathia began to list Port Side, The Captain issued an Abandon Ship launching 11 of its Lifeboats as the RMS Carpathia Sunk. 218 Onboard survived out of 223.

The Wreck of the Carpathia was later discovered on September 9, 1999. The Wreck of the Carpathia was about 600 ft or (180m) and was about 185 miles west of England.

2 years ago   67 views   1 frames


  lame idk

There was a Rich guy in the titanic and when the ship started sinking he went to the bottom of the ship to free all the dogs that were in cages to give them a chance of survival

2 years ago   Reply (1)

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