Pirouette 🌙

scotland fallout

It is a beutiful day today and im writing this right now march 28 1976 and the owner of this railway is building a nuclear powerplant and its an eyesore but I do like the idea of working double of my workloads and this is me douglas :) [2:34 pm] a drill is happening right now in case anything bad happens in the powerplant and I want that powerplant torn down as soon as possible [4:38 pm] OH MY LORD we are hearing sirens wailing we are terrified for holy god and we heard a BOOM! We are even more terrified I helped donald up the cabing to see whats happening and what he saw is TERRIFYING there is a cloud of black smoke that is slowly getting bigger and BIGGER me and donald knew that the shockwave is gonna come fast so we released the brakes and pulled the whistle for dear life as the stationmaster blew his whistle we are going at speeds we have gone before hoping that cedric was still at the signal box to switch our tracks to the safe track and we heard a toning whistle.... IT WAS ONE OF THE OTHER SCOTTISH TWINS WILLIAM we blew the whistle for him to reverse but it was too late as we heard the clashing of metal behind us.. we shot past ####### as we shot pat a road crossing a bus crashed through the wooden crossing fences and is desperate to escape with us but it was cut shortly as we heard the screeching of tires and metal clashing and explosions.. and the shockwave finally hit us and JESUS it was strong it almost derailed us both! And It caused the glass on the coaches to shatter donald's train almost derailed but that didnt stop me and my brother we shot by the last station to the evacuation center and in relief no one was hurt when the glass shattered.....I will write the other journal tomorrow march 29 im going to sleep bye and its me douglas..

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